Why You're Getting Low Engagement on Your Social Media and How to Increase Your Engagement Online

What if I get crickets?

Have you ever posted consistently, only to receive 2 likes and 0 comments over the span of your total efforts?

Experiencing minimal engagement despite consistent content creation can be frustrating, but it's a common challenge that many businesses, including startups, face. There could be several reasons behind this lack of response.

Let's explore some potential causes and strategies to address them:


1) Misalignment with Audience

If your content doesn't resonate with your target audience's interests, needs, or pain points, it's likely to fall flat. It's crucial to understand your audience's preferences and tailor your content to address their specific challenges and concerns. Here's an example of content misaligning with the audience for a fitness-focused brand targeting older adults:

Scenario: "Vitality Wellness" is a brand offering fitness programs and products tailored for individuals aged 50 and above.

Caption: "Intense HIIT Workouts for Maximum Gains! 🔥💪 #FitnessGoals #NoPainNoGain"

Image: A young, athletic model sweating profusely while performing a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise. The background features a loud and energetic gym environment.

Description: The post emphasizes intense HIIT workouts with phrases like "Maximum Gains" and "No Pain No Gain," using youthful and energetic language. The image showcases a young model, and the gym environment appears loud and dynamic.

The content misaligns with Vitality Wellness' target audience of older adults seeking fitness solutions that prioritize safety, longevity, and overall well-being. The language, imagery, and messaging do not resonate with the preferences and needs of the older demographic, potentially deterring them from engaging with the brand.


A better approach for aligned content could involve featuring mature models engaged in low-impact exercises, sharing success stories of older adults achieving health improvements through gentle workouts, and focusing on the benefits of maintaining mobility and energy in later years.

By creating content that genuinely speaks to the interests and concerns of the target audience, Vitality Wellness can foster better engagement and connection with their intended customers.

To understand your target market well, it’s important to conduct thorough audience research. Analyse their demographics, behaviour, and preferences. Engage with them through surveys, social media interactions, and direct conversations to gather insights that will guide your content creation.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

2) Lack of Value

Audiences are more likely to engage with content that provides value—whether it's informative, entertaining, or solves a problem. If your content doesn't offer anything unique or valuable, it's unlikely to capture attention. Here's an example of a social media post with a lack of value:

Caption: "Check out our new collection! #Fashion #Style"

Image: A single image of a rack of clothes in a store, showing various clothing items in no particular order.

Description: The post provides minimal information, only mentioning the new collection and using generic hashtags. There is no context about the unique features of the collection, the inspiration behind it, or how it could benefit the audience.

Lack of Value Explanation: The post lacks value because it doesn't offer any meaningful insight or reason for the audience to engage. It doesn't tell customers why they should be excited about the new collection or what sets it apart. Without compelling information, users are less likely to click through to the brand's website or show interest in the products.


A more effective approach would be to highlight specific features of the collection, showcase individual pieces with accompanying descriptions, share customer testimonials, or provide styling tips.

By offering valuable content that helps users understand the collection's appeal and how it could enhance their fashion choices, the brand can generate more interest and engagement.

Focusing on creating content that educates, entertains, or solves a problem for your audience means you’re providing insights, tips, and information that they can't easily find elsewhere.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

3) Inconsistent Branding

Inconsistent branding can confuse your audience and make it difficult for them to recognize and connect with your content.

What does inconsistent branding look like?

Imagine a startup named "TechTrend Innovations," aiming to project a modern and innovative image. On Facebook, their profile cover showcases sleek technology visuals and vibrant colors, while their Twitter account features a logo with a traditional font and subdued tones. The discrepancy across their social channels can leave viewers unsure about the company's identity and values.


Back to the example of TechTrend Innovations - to optimise their limited resources and create a cohesive online presence, TechTrend Innovations should align their visuals, messaging, and tone across all platforms, reinforcing a strong and consistent brand image that resonates with their target audience.

Maintaining a consistent brand voice, visual identity, and messaging across all your content will create a cohesive brand experience that helps your content stand out.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

4) Low-Quality Content

Poorly written or produced content can lead to disinterest from your audience. If your content lacks professionalism or fails to meet quality standards, it can deter engagement.Here's an example of a low-quality content post that could be shared on social media:

Caption: "New Product Launch! Check out our amazing gadget. It does cool stuff. #ProductLaunch #Innovation"

Image: A blurry, pixelated photo of a generic device against a cluttered background. The lighting is poor, and the product is barely recognizable.

This post lacks detailed information about the product's features, benefits, or how it addresses customer needs. The caption is vague and doesn't provide any context about why the product is innovative or valuable. The image quality is subpar, making it difficult for users to understand the product's appearance and functionality. The use of generic hashtags does not add any meaningful value to the post.

Overall, this type of low-quality content fails to engage the audience, communicate the product's value, or maintain a professional brand image.


Invest in creating high-quality content. This includes well-written articles, visually appealing graphics, and well-edited videos that reflect positively on your brand. It's crucial for businesses to invest time and effort into creating high-quality, informative, and visually appealing content to effectively connect with their audience on social media platforms.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

5)Weak Promotion Strategy

Even the best content needs effective promotion to reach its intended audience. If you're not promoting your content properly, it might not be reaching the right people.

Here's an example of a weak promotion strategy for a hypothetical clothing brand's new collection launch:

Scenario: "FashionForward Clothing" is launching a new collection of trendy summer wear.

Promotion Strategy Example:

  1. Single Social Media Post: FashionForward Clothing creates a single post on their Instagram account announcing the new collection. The post features a single image of a model wearing one outfit from the collection with a brief caption: "New collection out now! Visit our website to shop. #SummerFashion #NewArrivals"

  2. No Cross-Promotion: The brand does not cross-promote the new collection on other social media platforms or through other marketing channels.

  3. Limited Engagement: There is no engagement with the audience beyond the initial post. FashionForward Clothing does not respond to comments or questions from followers.

  4. No Teasers or Countdown: The brand does not create any anticipation or excitement leading up to the launch. There are no teaser posts, countdowns, or sneak peeks to generate interest.

  5. No Influencer Collaboration: The brand does not collaborate with influencers or fashion bloggers to showcase the new collection to a wider audience.

  6. No Email Campaign: FashionForward Clothing does not send out any email newsletters or campaigns to their existing customer base to notify them about the new collection.

In this weak promotion strategy, FashionForward Clothing misses several opportunities to effectively promote their new collection. The lack of cross-promotion, engagement, teasers, influencer collaboration, and email campaigns limits their reach and impact.


A stronger promotion strategy for FashionForward Clothing would involve a multi-channel approach, engaging with the audience, building anticipation, leveraging influencer partnerships, and utilizing email marketing to ensure the new collection launch receives the attention it deserves.

Developing a more robust promotion strategy can include sharing content on your social media platforms, engaging in relevant online communities, collaborating with influencers, and possibly investing in paid advertising.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

6) Timing and Consistency

Posting consistently is important, but so is timing. If you're sharing content at times when your audience isn't online or active, it might go unnoticed.

Sharing content when your audience is inactive leads to reduced visibility, missed engagement opportunities, declining engagement rates, wasted efforts, and difficulty establishing consistency. This approach undermines your social media efforts by limiting content exposure, hampering engagement, and rendering analytics less effective


To counter these issues, identify optimal posting times through platform-specific analysis, ensuring your content reaches your audience when they are most active, thus maximizing reach, engagement, and conversions. Experimenting with different posting times to identify when your audience is most engaged can help - alongside maintaining a consistent posting schedule to build anticipation and reliability.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

7. Neglecting Engagement

Engagement is a two-way street. If you're not responding to comments, questions, or interactions from your audience, they might lose interest.

Consistently neglecting engagement on social media posts can lead to decreased reach, diminished audience interaction, a weakened sense of community, missed relationship-building opportunities, and potential damage to brand reputation.

This lack of engagement can also result in lower conversion rates, missed feedback and insights, ineffective marketing efforts, lost brand advocacy potential, and difficulty recovering trust once it's eroded.


To counter these negative consequences, active and authentic engagement is essential, as it fosters a stronger online presence, builds brand loyalty, and creates meaningful connections with your audience.

Actively engaging with your audience by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in discussions shows that you value their input and encourages further interaction.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

8) Lack of Variety

Repetitive or one-dimensional content can become monotonous for your audience. Diversifying your content types and formats can help maintain interest. Here's an example of a lack of variety in social media posts for a fictional fitness brand:

Scenario: "FitZone Fitness" is a brand that offers a wide range of fitness services, including personal training, group classes, and nutritional guidance.

Social Media Post 1:

  • Caption: "Get fit with our intense HIIT classes! Join us now for a total body workout! #FitnessGoals #HIIT"

  • Image: A stock photo of a trainer leading a HIIT class with participants doing jumping jacks.

Social Media Post 2:

  • Caption: "Our gym has the latest equipment for your workout needs. Train like a pro with us! #GymTime #Fitness"

  • Image: A picture of rows of cardio machines and weightlifting equipment in the gym.

Social Media Post 3:

  • Caption: "Start your day with a protein-packed smoothie! Here's a recipe you'll love. #Nutrition #HealthyEating"

  • Image: A photo of a protein smoothie in a glass with a straw, placed on a kitchen counter.

In this example, FitZone Fitness is sharing content related to HIIT classes, gym equipment, and nutrition. However, the lack of variety in content topics and formats limits their engagement potential. The brand is missing opportunities to showcase other services, provide educational content, and offer a well-rounded experience to their audience.


By diversifying their content to include success stories, different exercise styles, behind-the-scenes glimpses, tips for recovery, and more, FitZone Fitness can create a more engaging and comprehensive social media presence that caters to a broader range of audience interests and needs.

Experimenting with different types of content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, etc can help. Doing some research can help you create diverse content that can cater to different learning styles and preferences within your audience.

Why you're getting low/minimal engagement on your social media & how to increase your community engagement online

Remember that building engagement and a loyal audience takes time. Be patient and willing to adapt your content strategy based on feedback and analytics. Consistent evaluation and improvement are key to overcoming the "crickets" and building a thriving online presence for your startup.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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