this is your sign to book your next trip: 3 surprising reasons why you should travel this year

I can’t remember the last time I left home to see the world.

Well, I can. But I wanted to start this blog post with that because it’s been ages. With Covid rampant in the last few years, and the intensity of the questionable enforced lockdowns in Australia alongside thousands and thousands of flight cancellations and border closures — it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been abroad.

I lost a few thousand dollars in flights, accomodations and things I’d booked in advance and there’s no way to recover the lost credits now. I felt jaded, defiant and hesitant to book another flight or even think about my next trip after being on hold with multiple flight companies — having my calls transferred multiple times, being promised refunds and credits — but having no resolution in the end.

I didn’t want to deal with any of that again. And after setting up my new shop front business, my bank account has been looking thinner than ever this year. Travel was on the backburner until boxing day, 2022.

My partner and I booked tickets to go on our first trip as a couple — and as nervous as I am to leave my business behind, I’m so, so, so glad that we were able to steal cheap flights and have an adventure to look forward to.

One of my favourite things about travelling is the whole concept of leaving home. Being my nomad-self. When you leave your home, or familiar surroundings and venture to new and unfamiliar places — it often involves a degree of adventure and exploration, and can provide opportunities for personal growth, cultural exchange, and learning new skills or languages. This is one of the many reasons why you should book your next trip.

Here are some more reasons why you should book flights for your next holiday this year:


1) travelling abroad will Broaden your perspective & worldview

Traveling exposes you to different cultures, customs, languages, and ways of life. Even if you’re from an english speaking country, and are set to travel to another english speaking country. E.g. London to Australia.

Being surrounded by and immersed in new and unfamiliar cultures can give you more nuanced understanding of the world, become more open-minded, challenge your preconceptions or stereotypes held about certain cultures or people groups, and broaden your world view.

If you travel to cities and countries where people speak different languages, it can really put you out of your comfort zone, force you to improve our communication skills, give you the courage to reach out for help, and even learn the absolute basic foundations of a new language too. Trying new food could also have a similar effect too. Some of us are more inclined to take risks in trying exotic street food than others — and travelling will give you another opportunity to jump out of your comfort zone and entertain your tastebuds with new, vibrant flavours. Trying new foods can broaden your culinary horizons and help you develop a greater appreciation of different cultures and traditions.

If you’re travelling solo — it’s going to push you to be independent and self-reliant. This will push you to develop important life skills and increase your confidence. It might also be a great idea for solo-travellers to stay at a hostel. It honestly the best thing you could do.

You get to meet different people from all walks of life, and it’s likely that the people you’ll meet are open-minded, adventurous solo-travellers too. So it’s easy to make new friends to explore new cities with, friends you might keep in touch with over the years and reconnect in their hometown, your own hometown, or even in a random city in the middle of nowhere (who knows right)?

When you jump on a plane and leave home, it’s going to broaden your perspective by exposing you to different cultures, languages, foods, people, landscapes, and push you out of your comfort zone to build your independence and resilience too. By experiencing the world firsthand, you can gain a better understanding of how small you are, and bring you a renewed appreciation of home.


2) travelling overseas can Improve your mental health

Did you know that traveling abroad can reduce your stress, improve your mood, helping you feel more relaxed and rejuvenated as you break out of routine and give you a fresh perspective on life?

It’s no secret that traveling abroad can increase happiness because you’re likely to feel incredibly positive, feel-good emotions such as excitement, curiosity, and joy. As you allow yourself to meet new people, learn about cultural differences and share experiences with other people whom you may not usually spend time with — it can help you develop social skills and improve your social connections.

Being immersed in different cultures, foods, and landscapes that you might normally be accustomed to can stimulate the brain and promote a different kind of creativity, which can help you become more innovative and approach problems in new ways.


3) leaving home to explore new cities, cultures and countries can Challenge you to grow

As you leave your home and daily grind to explore the unknown — whether it's navigating a new city or trying a new food — you’re going to experience new incredible moments, and face some fresh challenges. Challenges like language barriers, navigation (i.e. when you’re lost), and cultural differences that will help build your resilience and push you out of your comfort zone to grow in your resourcefulness.

Getting break from the usual routine as you leave the familiar comfort of the four walls of your home will help you gain perspective and bring you more mental clarity — which can have a positive impact on your decision-making too.


These are 3 of the many reasons why you should book and plan for your next trip this year.

No matter how short or long — whether it’s heading somewhere solo, or going with a partner or friends. Traveling can be a life-changing experience that can help you grow, learn, and create lasting memories. By exploring new places, meeting new people, and trying new things from outdoor adventures to cultural festivals to culinary delights — these experiences can be incredibly rewarding as they’ll help you learn more about yourself and the world around you.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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