guess what? we’re going to japan for the first time!

In June/July, my partner and I are going to travel Japan for 5 weeks! It’ll be my first time being overseas for so long, and our first trip together as a couple. I’m still a little worried about leaving my baby cat at home, and my business too! But I have an amazing team, and we have made great arrangements for Mila Rose to be taken care of.

I thought it would be fun to document our trip in the form of photos, blogs & vlogs for our memories and keep safe & also to share with our loved ones who want to know what we’re getting up to and keep in touch whilst we’re abroad. This trip will hopefully be one of many to come, so I’m excited for our little adventure.

Here’s a little video I recorded to be honest about how I’m really feeling. My partner is in a management position at one of the Big 4’s. He carries a lot of responsibility and deals with pressure from the partners, but he can take annual leave (which he’s accrued quite a lot of) — so he’ll technically still be paid his salary whilst we’re away.

I, on the other hand will take a massive pay cut as I leave home. I’m still carrying majority of the weight of the functions of my business. Without me in the studio, or getting my hands dirty, my business isn’t yet in a place where it can run on its own.

I’m feeling nervous, stressed, anxious and a little overwhelmed when thinking about the amount of work I need to get done to organise things and delegate clearly (I struggle to be assertive). So I feel a bit of an imbalance of excitement when it comes to chatting with my partner about planning our trip.

In saying all of this, I know deep down that I need a break. I know it won’t be realistic to be offline the whole 5 weeks that we’re gone — I may need to be accessible at least once or twice a week to ensure things run smoothly / fires are put out. Even if I’m not completely “on holiday” — I know that I need it. My partner and I need it.

We’ve navigated huge change and challenges together and separately in the span of 2 years that we’ve been together, and a trip overseas is something that we both need to rest, reconnect and celebrate all that we’ve experienced together.

I’m looking forward to vlogging our trip! So stay tuned. If you want to keep in touch, make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel! Keen to keep in touch :)



Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

shocking things japanese people find rude that australians do every day