grwm: this is what i do to start my day before work

I’d like to tell you that every morning I wake up at the same time, eat the same wholesome foods every day, wear the same clothes like Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs used to, and do the same intense cardio workout routine before work. But I don’t.

Rather, I have a very simple blueprint that I like to stick to. I like it because it genuinely makes me feel good. I look forward to it, rather than feeling like I need to tick off this big checklist to imitate a dozen YouTubers and Influencers may be endorsed to promote.

I keep things really fluid. Simple. Enjoyable. And flexible. This is what creates a sustainable morning routine for me. A malleable morning routine that I look forward to:


1) movement

When I get anxious, I’m often thinking about a myriad of hypothetical situations that may or may not unravel in the future.

I think about the things that could happen, would have happened if I didn’t do “x, y, z” , and shouldn’t happen. I neglect simple the reality of the present moment and spiral down this dire course of angst. Feeling like I’m pushed to the corner, robbed of control. Overwhelmed by my helplessness, and my countless “what-ifs”.

Perhaps presence is the cure to anxiety… I once thought to myself. Rather than immersing myself in the infinite unknowns, trying to make sense of everything to curate a sense of security… What if I could tangibly bring myself to be fully present and immersed in what I see, feel, touch and hear right now?

This is why I love movement. Even if it’s not traditional “exercise” like a cardio class or deadlifting. Moving my body, no matter how intense or slow — makes me feel joy. Perhaps because my body releases endorphins and feel-good hormones. And perhaps because movement brings me to reconnect with myself in the present moment.

Movement helps me to establish, or re-establish my mind-body connection. And for this reason, I love to start my day moving my body and keep it simple. For example, I like to:

  • Walk around the block

  • Walk to the park with my yoga mat for light pilates and a gentle stretch

  • Swim in the ocean

  • Do pilates and light calisthenics at home

  • Clean my living space

The simpler, the better. It feels achievable, enjoyable and without pressure of having to perform to a certain degree of fitness. It’s easy for me to put on my sneakers no matter what clothes I’m wearing to go for a simple walk.

Simple movement to start my day helps me manage my anxiety, and disapates the cortisol (stress hormone) that is released in my body.


2) meditation

I’ve only recently discovered meditation, and it took me a while for to actually learn how to pause and practice it. I can be a little restless. I’m prone to overthinking. I’m prone to forgetting things, losing things, feeling the need to get up and move frequently.

But through patience, and practice — I’ve found that meditation is incredibly grounding. It doesn’t look like yoga for me— (I don’t actually enjoy yoga). It’s more versatile than that.

I mediate by journaling, or even just by lying in bed. Sometimes I visualise a ball of light travelling through my body slowly. A glowing light that travels from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. A light that symbolises love, that spreads within me, and straightens up my posture.

Sometimes I visualise me, as I am today, approaching my younger self. Whether that be my 4-year old self, or my 18-year old self. I visualise myself encouraging, comforting and having an impactful conversations with her.

Sometimes, I flick on the TV first thing after waking up to follow guided meditations on YouTube to feel more connected and less alone.

Sometimes I meditate as I go on my morning walks, or swims. I don’t always compartmentalise things, rather enjoy seeing them seamlessly fall into one whole.


3) reflection

Tying on from meditation is reflection. I reconnect with myself on a deeper level by asking myself important questions. Intentionally asking these questions allows me to break the unruly thoughts that tend to run wild through my mind without permission.

Through taking the time out to reflect, I reconnect with my values. I build integrity with myself. To myself.

  • What is there to look forward to this week?

  • Am I acting, thinking and speaking in ways that align with my core values?

  • Am I feeling like I’m in the driver’s seat right now?

  • What are some things I’m anxious about?

  • Is there anything I’m avoiding?

  • How can I show up today as my highest self? What does she look like?

By asking myself these deeper questions each morning, I reconnect and realign my thoughts and actions to live in integrity with the things that matter the most to me.


Each morning for me looks different. Sometimes I integrate movement, meditation and reflection into one. Other times, I meditate first, clean the house to move my body, then carve out time to journal and reflect.

Some mornings, I open Instagram, scroll on my phone, then choose to head outside for a walk. I allow myself to be human, and give room for grace and flexibility.

My morning routine isn’t a measure of my abilities, discipline or health — it’s a marker of my self-respect and self-care. I decided that I don’t have to wake up at 5am and hit the gym, with a juice shot. I can carve out a wholesome, grounding morning that looks different each day, but rejuvenates me in the same way.

What do you do to start your day?

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

how to create a sustainable morning routine