How to Become the Healthiest Version of Yourself in 2023: 4 Simple Tips to Get Started

1) Understand what “healthy” looks like for you

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “healthy”?

I used to think of someone really thin. Perhaps someone who only drinks lemon water and eats boiled chicken and broccoli every day. Someone who spends their time at the gym, and their nights at yoga. But after embarking on a raw, unruly ride to make peace with my body — I’ve learnt that health is so much more than that.

We all have different body types and shapes. Naturally. Some of us have body frames that are naturally thin. You might have a really fast metabolism and struggle to hold onto weight. Others of us gain weight quite quickly, and lose it just as quickly too. It’s important to understand the natural shape and state of your body and also know what “feels” healthy for you.

I know that for me, it’s not a certain weight on the scale that makes me feel like I’m “healthy”. I stopped weighing myself a long time ago. I measure my degree of health and wellness by the amount of movement I squeeze into a day — whether that’s 10,000 steps, lifting weights for 20 minutes, or even just gentle stretching.

There are obviously some black and white principles like making sure you’re eating nourishing meals and moving your body on the regular — which is universal. But understanding how much rest you personally need, and what kinds of exercises are best for your joints, muscle fibres and mood is something that you can experiment with to see what suits you best.

Enjoyment is key. When you enjoy something, you know that it’s realistic to keep it up.


2) Understand that health goes beyond physical appearance

Health isn’t about body size, lemon water, or even boiled chicken and veg. As humans, we are made of more than just the body. Our bodies are important. But we also have a mind. And some might argue that we also have a soul (or spirit). In order to establish a life that is well-balanced and sustainable, it’s important that we learn to view ourselves more holistically.

Check in with yourself to see how you’re feeling every day. Prioritise time in your calendar for your hobbies. Ensuring that we catch the sunlight each day is as important as taking time out from the daily grind to rest and reset with quality alone time.

Take a more holistic approach to taking care of yourself — not just changing your diet and exercise regime. Eating well and exercising regularly will most likely have a positive impact on your mood and motivation. Roll with the momentum and make sure you see your loved ones too.


3) Prioritise investing time, effort and energy with the people you love

When it comes to living a healthy life, the strength of our friendships, family and romantic relationships is just as important as maintaining a nourishing diet. Make a list of people that you love, and see if you can reach out to them to arrange a coffee date or a phone call with them. It can be easy to go months without having a deep, meaningful conversation with our loved ones when things get busy. For that reason, it’s important to be all the more intentional and be proactive to plan something in advance.

Prioritising movement and getting our heart rate up is as important as going out to the pub for a drink, banter and belly-laughter with a friend. Our need for belonging is important. Just as our needs for stability, adventure, contribution, spontaneity, rest and financial security are important too.


4) Don’t just follow a fitness influencers blueprint. make it personal

Learning about the things that are important to us can help us understand which needs we need to pay attention to. With that clarity, we can then start to curate a vibrant, rich life that supports our values and allows us to live on purpose. 5am wake-ups might not be suitable for you. Set your alarm at a time that works best for your body clock.

You don’t have to eat kale salad. Have a steak with mashed potato and some sort of veg. You don’t need to subscribe to certain routines, diets or exercise regimes that influencers are endorsed and sponsored to promote.

You are a unique individual with unique needs. Respect the way you’re wired, and take care of yourself in a way that suits you best. Keeping a sustainable, enjoyable routine is important — because if you actually like something, you’ll probably want to keep doing it. Be creative and experiment with different ways you can care for your physical, emotional, relational, mental health.

You are worth the effort and investment. I promise.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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