are you investing into the most important relationship you’ll ever have?

Some of you are probably thinking… What’s the most important relationship you’ll ever have?

Let me explain.

People come and go. Whether it’s for a few years on your life, or even just being apart as you go about your daily routine before you cross paths again.

But you will never escape your own company. You literally can’t separate yourself — from yourself. This sounds so obvious! But I took years and years of attempting to run from myself (without knowing so). After years of escapism, addictions and avoidance, I’ve come to understand that the best thing I can do for myself, and for everyone around me — is to develop a strong relationship. With me.

Your relationship with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. You’re the only person that’s with you 24/7 from the day you’re born, to the day you pass. So, for this reason, it’s important that you build a strong, healthy relationship with you.

It’s crucial for your overall well-being and happiness — and also for the well-being and happiness of the people around you too. Here are some of the reasons why I believe it’s imporant:


1) deeper sense of self awareness

When you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you are more likely to be self-aware and understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors because you probably enjoy spending time with yourself. Alone time is very different to being alone. Solitude (alone time) can give you the time and space to reflect and develop a strong sense of self-awareness will help you make better decisions and choices in life.


2) strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem

When you have a positive relationship with yourself, you develop a stronger sense of self-worth and self-esteem because your inner dialogue is most likely to be affirming, encouraging and understanding. When you’re able to speak life into your situations and build a positive sense of self-worth, it can equip you to overcome any challenges and setbacks that come your way, and give you the groundedness to achieve your goals.


3) prioritising sustainable self-care

Building a healthy relationship with yourself also means that you’re taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. You’ve taken the time (and are still taking the time) to discover and prioritise the things that you love, the things that calm you down, the things that empower you, and light you up. When you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you’re probably prioritising your mental, physical, emotional well-being every day, engaging in self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul.


4) stronger relationships with the people around you

When you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you are more likely to attract positive relationships with others. You know the saying “your vibe attracts your tribe” — well, it’s true! Birds of a feather do flock together. Secure, healthy people who are unapologetically themselves have an aura that feels safe, accepting and disarming for the people around them. When you accept, love and take care of yourself — you’re more likely to give the same kind of treatment to the people around you.

I can go the other way too — if you’ve got great, strong relationships, it can teach you how to treat yourself, and strengthen the connection, inner-dialogue and respect that you have towards yourself. It’s a positive feedback loop.

Our vibe really does attract our tribe. So the more we invest into becoming secure, grounded and healthy within ourselves — the more this will be reflected in our friendships, workplaces and our romantic relationships too. If you know your worth and don't settle for less, you’ll definitely bring positive energy and confidence into your relationships.


5) Improved mental health

Building a healthy relationship with yourself can also improve your mental health. This point really sums up the other four I’ve listed above. If you regularly spend alone time to reflect and reconnect, you’ll develop a strong sense of self-awareness that can give you insight and perspective when it comes to making decisions and navigating challenges.

Having this groundedness will build your sense of self-worth, self-respect and self-efficacy as you know that you’re equipped and capable to handle whatever that comes your way (even if it means reaching out for help and being resourceful at times). If you love yourself, you will help yourself — and reach out to others that can help you too.

If you have a grounded relationship with yourself, you’re probably taking care of yourself regularly — and this will have a positive impact in your relationships, which has a huge impact on our overall quality of life. With a strong, connected relationship to self — you are more likely to be resilient in the face of stress and adversity, and have a more positive outlook on life.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.

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