business tips

a space for entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners. a collection of articles designed to equip, inspire and help you feel more supported to build a strong foundation for your brand.

Entrepreneurs leave the 9-5 to build a life that brings freedom from time & money. But in doing so, they also leave behind the regular paycheck & face different challenges.

Here are my thoughts —

Why Self-Care Should be an Essential, non-negotiable Part of Running a Business

Self-care is not just a luxury; it's an essential component of running a successful business.

As a micro or small startup business owner, you might feel tempted to prioritise your business over your personal well-being, but neglecting self-care can have detrimental effects on both your health and the success of your venture.

Incorporating self-care into your routine doesn't mean neglecting your business responsibilities. Instead, it empowers you to be a more effective and resilient entrepreneur.

By valuing your well-being and practicing self-care, you're not only benefiting yourself but also creating a solid foundation for the growth and prosperity of your business.

Here's why self-care is crucial for business owners.

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Building a Strong Brand: An in-depth Guide for Micro and Small Startup Business Owners

In today's competitive business landscape, establishing a strong brand is more crucial than ever for micro and small startup business owners.

A robust brand not only differentiates you from the competition but helps you to form a lasting connection with your target audience.

In this comprehensive guide, I want to walk you through the essential steps to build a powerful brand that resonates with your customers and drives growth.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your existing brand, these strategies will set you on the path to success.

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Fear of Failure Holding You Back? Here are 5 Surprising Ways Failure Can Actually Benefit Your Business

I find the word failure really strange.

I believe that the people who never failed never tried. There have been moments in my life where I’ve tried, and “failed” — because I’d never done something before, or I’d set the bar too high for myself, or I was juggling too many things, or I just wasn’t well-equipped to accomplish the task set before me.

But the next time I’d try that same task — whether it’s hosting an event, singing live at a gig, going on a great date, or starting a business from scratch — I’d always have so much more confidence, wisdom, insight and skills to do a better job.

So many of us are afraid of failing, because we see it as final, or fatal. Life-defining. But it’s not. It’s only a very, very small step in our journey to growth, wisdom and success. There are so many ways “failing” can benefit you in business. Here are a few.

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What is Hustle Culture? Why is Hustle Culture Overrated?

What is hustle culture, and why is it overrated?

Hustle culture is the idea that success is achieved through constant hard work, productivity, and the constant pursuit of goals. Now — hard work, productivity and pursuing goals is… Goals (smile). It is honourable and attractive to see someone really driven and motivated to build a life they are proud of. But if we’re being realistic, constantly operating in a state of high pressure, deadlines and unwavering drive without proper rest, care and maintenance isn’t sustainable in the long run. It’s not realistic.

While it can be motivating for some, hustle culture is overrated for a few reasons:

It can lead to burnout: Constantly pushing yourself to work harder for longer hours without much of a break (let alone quality sleep, food and time with loved ones) can lead to physical and mental exhaustion, which will leak into every area of your life. Including your relationships, happiness, and ironically, even the quality of your work.

Because it emphasises work as the most important thing in life, conforming to hustle culture might skew your priorities. If you start believing that your business is more important than your commitment to taking care of your health and wellbeing — it can lead you to neglect your personal relationships, hobbies and overall health and have a detrimental effect on your quality of life.

Lastly, hustle culture is unrealistic: When you’re under constant pressure to work hard and be productive — it can ultimately be demotivating. As humans, we all need breaks, downtime, rest and play, to perform at our best.

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Should I Start a Business This Year? Here are 5 Questions to Ask Before Starting a Business or Side Hustle in 2023

What should I consider before starting a business or side-hustle? What exactly is involved in starting a business? Here are 5 things you should consider before starting a business or a side hustle. It’s not all that glamorous as social media makes it sound, but it’s rewarding for sure (despite the challenges). Read this before you start your business.

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The Biggest Mistakes I Made as an Entrepreneur that You can Avoid Making when Starting Your Business This Year

Mistakes aren’t final, or fatal, or life-defining. But there are a few mistakes that save a lot of time, stress and money as a business owner. They might seem simple in theory, but can be a little more complex in practice. Like all good things in life. Here are some mistakes I’ve made that would be good for you to avoid in your business.

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