Why Self-Care Should be an Essential, non-negotiable Part of Running a Business

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

If you want to build a successful, sustainable, value-driven business in 2023 — you’re going to need a few things.

You’re going to need: a clear mission, strong values, strategic planning, the drive to execute, a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, a trustworthy team, a culture of innovation, ongoing measurement & optimisation.

You’re also going to need to: have a strong mindset, take care of yourself, believe in yourself, be quick to bounce back from challenges & have an appetite for taking risks.


Self-care is not just a luxury—

It's an essential component of running a successful business.

As a micro or small startup business owner, you might feel tempted to prioritise your business over your personal well-being, but neglecting self-care can have detrimental effects on both your health and the success of your venture.

Incorporating self-care into your routine doesn't mean neglecting your business responsibilities. Instead, it empowers you to be a more effective and resilient entrepreneur.

By valuing your well-being and practicing self-care, you're not only benefiting yourself but also creating a solid foundation for the growth and prosperity of your business.

Here's why self-care is crucial for business owners:


1) Maintaining Mental and Physical Health

Running a business can be incredibly demanding, both mentally and physically. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are common challenges entrepreneurs face.

Practicing self-care helps manage stress levels, promotes mental clarity, and prevents physical ailments caused by constant work-related pressure.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

2) Enhancing Creativity and Innovation

Creativity is a valuable asset in business, allowing you to develop unique solutions and strategies.

Engaging in self-care activities like exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature can boost your creativity and stimulate fresh ideas.

Rest is sometimes the most productive thing you can choose to do!

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

3) Sustaining Energy Levels

Your business requires consistent energy and effort. Without proper self-care, your energy levels can deplete, leading to decreased productivity and a diminished ability to make sound decisions.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

4) Preventing Burnout

Burnout happens when the demands of your business exceed your ability to cope.

This can lead to physical exhaustion, mental strain, decreased motivation, feelings of detachment, and a decline in the quality of your work.

Have you ever been to that place before? Burnout is horrible in so many ways.

Regular self-care acts as a buffer against burnout, helping you maintain a sustainable pace.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

5) Improving Decision-Making

Effective decision-making is vital for business success.

When you're well-rested and mentally clear, you're more likely to make informed and strategic choices that benefit your company.

And sometimes, you need to carve, create and protect your time. Prioritising margin to rest is crucial for clarity.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

6) Balancing Work and Life

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is challenging for many business owners.

Prioritising self-care ensures you allocate time for both your business and personal life, reducing the risk of burnout and strained relationships.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

7) Leading by Example

As a business leader, your behavior sets the tone for your team.

Demonstrating a commitment to self-care encourages your employees to do the same, fostering a culture of well-being within your organization.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

8) Building Resilience

The business world is full of uncertainties and challenges.

Practicing self-care equips you with the emotional resilience needed to navigate setbacks, failures, and unexpected situations without crumbling under pressure.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

9) Enhancing Focus and Productivity

Taking breaks and engaging in self-care activities rejuvenates your mind and enhances your ability to focus.

This, in turn, improves your overall productivity and efficiency.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

10) Long-Term Business Success

Self-care contributes to your longevity as a business owner.

A healthy and balanced lifestyle enables you to sustain your commitment to your business over the long term, increasing your chances of achieving lasting success.

Why Self-care is an Essential Part of Running a Business: Mental Health Tips for Micro and Small Business Owners

Running a business will be stressful, and it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day demands. For this reason, you’re going to need to prioritse taking care of your mind, body and relationships outside of your work.

Self-care practices can help reduce stress and improve mental health. It can look like: journaling before bed, going for a walk, grabbing drinks with friends and going for a quick swim / gym sesh.

When you take care of yourself, you’re going to be better equipped to handle the challenges of running a business, communicate confidently with your team and show up with the optimism, enthusiasm and tenacity of a great leader.

By prioritising you — and your mental health: you can create a business that not only generates profit but is also grounded on a strong foundation and has a positive impact in your team, your clients, customers, and the community around you.

Chloe Adam

Creative entrepreneur based in Sydney, Australia passionate about mental health, holistic wellbeing and building an intentional life.


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